procedure TFormMain.BLMenu;
procedure GetItems(AItem:TMenuItem); var I:integer; begin AItem.OnClick := MenuTreeClick; //菜单项关联点击事件 for I:=0 to AItem.Count-1 do begin GEtItems(AItem.Items[I]); end; end;var I:integer;begin for I:=0 to MainMenu1.Items.Count-1 do begin GetItems(MainMenu1.Items.Items[I]); end; end;
procedure TFormMain.MenuTreeClick(Sender: TObject);
begin if Sender is TTreeView then // 通过SENDER来判断是点击了菜单项还是树的节点 todo(TTreeView(Sender).Selected.Text) else if Sender is TMenuItem then todo(StripHotkey(TMenuItem(Sender).Caption));end;
procedure TFormMain.openForm(AFormClass: TFormClass; var aForm: TForm;
aOwner: TWinControl);begin if aOwner = nil then Exit; if aForm = nil then aForm := AFormClass.Create(aOwner); with aForm do begin ManualDock(aOwner); WindowState := wsMaximized; Align := alClient; Show; end;end;
procedure TFormMain.todo(const aCaption: string);
begin if Pos('数据字典', acaption) <> 0 then begin if ActiveExistTabsheet('数据字典') then Exit; openForm(TformDictionary, tform(formdictionary), GetTabSheet('数据字典')); end else if Pos('系统菜单', aCaption) <> 0 then begin if ActiveExistTabsheet('系统菜单') then Exit; openForm(Tformmenu, tform(formMenu), GetTabSheet('系统菜单')); end else if Pos('货品类别管理', aCaption) <> 0 then begin if ActiveExistTabsheet('货品类别管理') then Exit; openForm(TformCategory, tform(formCategory), GetTabSheet('货品类别管理')); end else if Pos('操作员管理', aCaption) <> 0 then begin if ActiveExistTabsheet('操作员管理') then Exit; openForm(TFormOperator, tform(FormOperator), GetTabSheet('操作员管理')); end; end;